Amdanga Jugal Kishore Mahavidyalaya

Affiliated to West Bengal State University,
NAAC Accredited with Grade B
Sadhanpur, P.S.-Amdanga, 24 Pgs (North), West Bengal 743221


N-LIST stands for "National Library and Information services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content". The programme was funded by the MHRD under NME-ICT to extend access to selected e-resources to colleges covered under Section 12B of UGC Act as well as Non-aided colleges during from 2010 - 2013. The programme has subsumed under e-ShodhSindhu Consortium as college component from year 2014 being funded by UGC.It provides links to JStor, Shodh-ganga and many other e-resources.AmdangaJugal Kishore Mahavidyalayahas registeredto the N-LIST from 2020. The members of the Central Library have the opportunity to access more than 6,000 journals,1,99,500 e-books under N-LIST .